This is my grandson, Felix Oliver Mueller. He was born almost one year ago (March 2nd, 2008) and he lives in Kansas (which is a pretty long ways away from me right now).I built a pretty cool little video, BUT I failed to contact They Might Be Giants to make sure it was okay to use one of their songs for background music AND therefore it got yanked from facebook for copyright violations.So, in lieu of that, to celebrate his one year on the planet, I'm blogging him with pictures.
He cut his two top teeth today and he says mom and dad. Soon he will say "Momo" and want to watch Pinky and The Brain (maybe some old Tick reruns).
The world is a much finer place by virtue of this little man and his parents and I'm hoping he knows that I'm in his pocket on his birthday - whether I'm there in person or not.

26 years and a handful of hours ago Chelsea was born in Kansas. Today is her birthday and she has been on my mind in a big way the last few days.
What follows are the Top Ten Reasons I'm Glad Chelsea Was Born:
10. She is tenacious and pretty much unstoppable. When she makes up her mind on something, that tends to be the way it plays out.
9. Her perspective is so sunny. It seems that she very rarely sees things in negative ways. She is my Optimism Poster Child.
8. Chelsea is my favorite reason to consider living a Purpose Filled Life. She is well-rounded and grabbing as much as she can while using her powers for good (never evil).
7. She doesn't seem to be scared by anything. I've heard myself tell her for years that she was brave (and funny and strong and smart and ...) But, it's a whole different deal actually watching her live such a brave life.
6. Chelsea has turned me onto some of my most favorite music in the world. I guess it doesn't defy explanation that her musical taste, while not a carbon copy, is so much like mine.
5. She is a 5-Star, Low Maintenance world traveler. Girl's got some mileage now - and some great pictures and stories.
4. She can keep her self together when a world is falling apart in a way that makes me proud. She's very strong this way and I love that.
3. Her attention to detail is apparent in everything she touches. Her mix CDs are absolutely amazing, her home is well-appointed and just about perfect ... and she has an eye for media layouts that I have valued for the last ten years or so.
2. This may seem silly, but she has some uber-hearing. Since she was a kid, if there were lyrics we couldn't figure out on a song, we'd go to Chelsea and ask her. She has provided us with this service since she was 8 or 9 years old.
1. And, the Number ONE reason I love Chelsea as much as I do is because she loves back so fiercely. She is loyal, empathetic and kind...she just about always provides calm...To know her is to love her.
So, since today's her birthday: Go tell
her happy birthday. She is one of many reasons that the world really is a better place.
I'm sitting in a bar in Union Station. Downtown Chicago. Freakin' winter. Still. It may always be. Had to walk 2 blocks from the Metra Station, but met some nice people along the way, so it was a good time - even though it's 20 below with the wind chill and I forgot to bring gloves.
I've wanted to take a whole bunch of pictures, but I'm packed like a llama in Peru and I have to conserve energy and motion. The pictures would have just illustrated what it's like to be in the third largest city in America, and how very much unlike a Cowtown in KS it is. But, I have seen a lot of Amish people downtown today, so that's a little familiar. I'm headed to see my son, his wife and (The Child of Perfection) my grandson in Lawrence, KS. Felix (the afore mentioned child) is about to turn a year old and I've been aching to tell him some stuff and hold him. I also think his parents need a night out - till sunrise. All parents need this and maybe some adult beverages. I've got two hours till I board the Southwest Chief to head down south. I love to travel on trains. A lot. I'm planning on taking some pictures there AND seeing if I've got wifi. So far, I can and have found free wifi almost everywhere in America, so I'm hopeful but not optimistic about the train. It's supposed to be 68 degrees on Saturday where I'm headed. It's WICKED cold in ChiTown. I remain unconvinced that winter is all that cool, and I probably won't actually pray for snow again for many years to come. Let this serve as a dual warning: Be careful what you wish for AND I'm going to be there soon - hide the breakables. I'll see you in another time zone. Call.write.drop in.